Opportunities to volunteer during liturgy are listed on the MINISTERS PAGE.
The Respect Life Committee is responsible for passing on current information, updates and details of events concerning all aspects of the dignity of human life to the parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas Church. This is done primarily via the Sunday bulletin, the Summa and an email notification list.
We also assist other pro-life groups within the Parish: We give support to the local 40 Days for Life Campaign each spring and fall. We assist with procuring items to give away, and the scheduling of people to cover shifts for the Knights of Columbus pro-life booth during Camas Days each July.
We occasionally co-host Sunday Coffee Hours and Lenten Soup Suppers with the Human Dignity Foundation. We are a resource for high school students in the parish doing research papers for school. We provide web-site addresses and other information to help students find the truth, which is difficult to find in our culture. We provide information and resources concerning all stages of human life, from conception through natural death. Contact: parish office 834-2126
Homebound Ministers are very proud of our dedicated volunteers who take Holy Communion to homebound members of our community. This is something our parishioners greatly value: a connection to the Church which they have been a member of usually for many decades, and the Sacraments of Life. If you are interested in becoming a Homebound Minister contact James Wurzer at jwurzer@protonmail.com.
Christ and His Church call us to holiness in our everyday lives and in and through our vocations. In the Sacrament of Marriage, a particular kind of conjugal chastity is demanded by the nature of love and God’s order of Creation. In marriage, the two have become one and are called to continually make that gift of self-donation to the other as they strive to build up one another in faith and love. The two, in imitating the Trinity by their union and love, also share with the Trinity in the great work of co-creation. Part of this, of course, is the bearing and raising of children. Marriage in many ways is oriented towards children, which are always a great good.
The couple must remember God’s dominion over Creation as they remain open to life, and must not cut these off through contraception and sterilization. While these are illicit, the Church does allow spouses, with prayer and discernment, to plan their families in a natural way.
Contact Sofiya for more details: sofiya.ostap.nfp@gmail.com
“The things that we love tell us what we are.”
― St. Thomas Aquinas
The Aquinas Guild is a voluntary association for religious, social and benevolent purposes made up of all the women of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. No dues are collected. The Guild meets after mass the first Wednesday of each month in the Fireside Room. Our social hour starts at 9:00 and and the meeting begins at 9:30am.
We provide the funeral receptions for the families and friends of deceased members of St. Thomas. Many believe this is our finest service and is offered freely at a most difficult time. We do not charge for this service, but donations are accepted. We also sponsor the First Anniversary of Loss Mass program for our parish.
We host monthly coffee hours and other fellowship support to our St. Thomas Family. We embody Martha’s service with Mary’s spirit and hope you will join us. We welcome new active members with new ideas and energy.
President Helen Gerde, call or text: 360-335-4527
Circle of Love is a charismatic prayer group following the guidelines of Western Washington Catholic Charismatic Renewal. At Tuesday evenings, approximately 7:00-8:30pm, in the Fireside Room we have a time of praise; a time of silence and listening; sometimes a teaching; and close with intercessory prayer. All are welcome. Contact: Claudia Heacock, 834-2126.
The purpose of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is to participate in the religious, charitable, and educational apostolates of the Church. Our organization meets the first Monday of every month from September to June in the Fireside Room at 6:30pm. Our meetings begin with the Rosary and continue on to our business meeting. Questions? Contact Anne Guard 834-2126.
Church angels are members of the parish who clean the church every week on Friday morning between approximately 9:00-10:00am. There are six teams who rotate this job so that each person cleans only once every 6 weeks. Four persons per team are preferred but it is difficult to maintain this number on each team. The main cleaning tasks are vacuuming, dusting, arranging the missals and hymnals, filling holy water fonts, and replenishing the collection envelopes. Contact, Maryanne Stevan, 834-2126
Knights of Columbus, is the largest Catholic men’s organization in the world, donating over 57 million annual volunteer hours that yield over $116 million given to a wide range of church, community and charitable activities and programs. Here at St. Thomas Aquinas, Council 2999 is dedicated to the betterment of their parish and community. They support the parish at the annual picnic, the Corpus Christ procession, regular breakfasts and woodcuts, and many other parish events. Our Assembly, for Fourth Degree Knights, also provides Color Guard duties to add to the solemnity of church events.
We support pro-life activities by organizing and manning the pro-life booth at Camas Days, sponsoring pro-life poster and essay contests. We also strongly support Catholic education and the youth of our parish.
Contacts: Ted Meany at
ted@stthomascamas.org or
CLICK HERE to visit their webpage.
email: stthomasprayers@stthomascamas.org
St. Thomas Catholic Students
look for ways to volunteer at our new Preschool by visiting their webpage
Serra Club
Group that works to promote religious vocations in our our area. Contact: Allison Johnson (360) 256-5620
Consolation Ministry
Volunteers greet mourners at parish funerals offering the family any assistance needed. They offered Mass aides and invite people to sign the guest book.
Contact: Mike Hansen (503) 310-6584
Grief Recovery
Group meeting on Mondays at 9:30am in the Fireside Room.
Contact: Virginia Lowery g.s.lowery@gmail.com
Be Not Afraid prayer group
Contact: Dan Duringer dnduringer@gmail.com
St. Thomas Aquinas Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is a spiritually based group of volunteers, inspired by the Christian values of charity and compassion for all. SVDP provides financial assistance for rent, utilities and gas vouchers for work and medical appts, as well as offering resources for food, clothing & shelter to people in need within our parish and within the Camas/Washougal community. SVDP members interact personally with their clients and make home visits to assess individual needs. SVDP conducts a school supplies drive and Christmas Giving Tree Program to solicit specific donations from our parishioners to benefit the needy. Meetings are the first Wednesday of every month. For further information about this organization, contact President, Kim Steinke 834-2126.
CLICK HERE to view the website of our Parish chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Come Adore the Lord in the Adoration Chapel to the left of the Sanctuary. Contact the Parish Office at 360-834-2126 to sign up for an hour or to get the door access code.
CLICK HERE to visit the Eucharistic Adoration webpage.
This group of volunteers meet each week to count and process the weekly collection. Contact: our office, 834-2126