
As stewards of our parish, we support St. Thomas' efforts to "go and make disciples of all nations," beginning here in Camas and Washougal. Stewardship has its beginning in baptism. Our baptism as Christ's disciples calls us to share our gifts through our time, talents and treasure.

Prayerfully reflect on how you can share your gifts with the parish and then complete the commitment form (link above) to indicate how you plan to exercise your stewardship in 2025.

Paper forms are available in the church.

Give to the Community

Click here to access the St. Vincent de Paul website.

Bishop Schuster video on 'what is stewardship?'

Vehicle Donations Accepted
You can donate your used vehicle and benefit your parish or school. The Archdiocese partners with CARS to accept vehicle donations.
To donate; 
visit this link, or
call 844-407-GIVE or 844-407-4483.

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