photo by Dave Kirchner
Daily Mass:
Tues: 6pm
Wed - Sat: 8:30am
Sunday Mass
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am
- Saturday mornings, after 8:30am Mass, starting at 9am.
- 4-4:45pm before vigil mass.
- 5-5:45pm before Tuesday 6pm Mass.
Confessions are heard in the reconciliation room located in the vestibule of the church.
You can also make an appointment for spiritual direction or private confession by calling the office.
Please contact Ted at if you would like to commit to a certain time slot.
- The church is open for private prayer Monday - Friday, 9am -4:00pm.
We would love for you to be a part of our parish family!
Register at St. Thomas today
Online Registration Form
Lots of ministries and organizations to choose from.
Please look at our APOSTOLATE, MINISTER, and VOLUNTEER pages.
Email us
Call us: 360-834-2126
Our parish office is open
to visitors
Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm
The office is CLOSED on Fridays..