Physical address: 725 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson, WA 98648
Mailing Address: c/o St. Thomas Aquinas Church 324 NE Oak Street Camas, WA 98607
Phone: (509) 427-8478
Fax: (509) 427-4329
Mission Church of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Camas, WA
Faith Formation On Line Giving Bulletins Registration Sacraments
Physical address: 725 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson, WA 98648
Mailing Address: c/o St. Thomas Aquinas Church 324 NE Oak Street Camas, WA 98607
Phone: (509) 427-8478
Fax: (509) 427-4329
Adoration: Wednesday, March 26, 6:00pm
Mass: Friday,
Mass: Sunday, March 30, 11:00am
Confessions: Before Mass
Help Needed: We are looking for someone who would be so kind to wash and iron our Altar linens. Please contact Abby Coates if you would like to help.
Sunday morning Mass
11:00 am
Rosary before Mass
Reconciliation after/before Mass
(depending on priest celebrating Mass)
1st & 3rd
10:00am - Adoration
10:30am: Mass, then Reconciliation
Wednesday 6-7 pm, Adoration,
Rosary, and Benediction.
Nathe Fund
Call the office
2024 - 25 Parish Council members:
Dave Brown - chair
Regina Babcock
Katie Leon
Chris Malone
Kevin Waters
Kitty Pallanch
Council meets once a month usually on
the third Wednesday.
2024-25 Finance Council Members:
John Pallanch
Salvie Stevens
Greg Townsend - chair
Reece Townsend
Debbie Waters