Upcoming Events

Pastor's Column Page

To see images of past events, visit our parish photo galleries.

For more information on this campaign, CLICK HERE.

For more ideas and resources for Lent,
visit our

It’s time to get ready for the Ignite NW Catholic Youth
Conference, July 16-20 at the University of Portland campus!
All high schoolers (rising 9th graders & new HS graduates) are encouraged
to attend this fun summer conference featuring powerful opportunities to
engage with and learn from dynamic men and women religious.
Register online at ignitenw.org/registration by April 30th for best pricing.
Select "St. Thomas Aquinas, Camas WA" in the “Group Name” pull-down
menu. Use discount code 2025STA for $200 off the cost of registration.
register for IgniteNW 

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